Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from October 2016, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Server statistics

Some statistics of our Jabber server and its services, just click on the images to see more.

Prosody (Jabber/XMPP server) statistics

Jabber Online Users (Prosody Client-to-Server C2S Connections)
Jabber Online Users (Prosody Client-to-Server C2S Connections)

Jabber Client Presence
Jabber Client Presence

Jabber Server-to-Server (Prosody S2S Connections)
Jabber Server-to-Server (Prosody S2S Connections)

Jabber Server Stanzas
Jabber Server Stanzas

Jabber Server failed encrypted S2S communication (as we force encryption)
Jabber Server failed encrypted S2S communication

Jabber Server remote certificates
Jabber Server remote certificates

Jabber Server Uptime
Jabber Server Uptime

Spectrum 2 (Jabber/XMPP transport services) statistics

Spectrum 2: Online users
Spectrum 2: Online users

Spectrum 2: Memory usage of transports
Spectrum 2: Memory usage of transports

Spectrum 2: Average memory usage per user
Spectrum 2: Average memory usage per user

Spectrum 2: Messages send over transport
Spectrum 2: Messages send over transport

Spectrum 2: Backends count
Spectrum 2: Backends count

Spectrum 2: Crashed backends count
Spectrum 2: Crashed backends count

Spectrum 2 Transports: Uptime
Spectrum 2: Uptime

Prosody & Spectrum 2 IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics

Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (C2S connections)
Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (C2S connections)

Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (S2S connections)
Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (S2S connections)

Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (various XMPP related connections)
Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (various XMPP related connections)

Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (Spectrum 2 connections)
Jabber IPv4/IPv6 traffic statistics (Spectrum 2 connections)

Memory usage statistics

Total memory usage

More statistics

click here for more Munin-based server statistics
click here for more MRTG-based server statistics

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2 thoughts on “Server statistics”

  1. There has been several long outages in the past weeks. Would be nice to get some clarification when/if services are returned to normal, what has been behind this. Just to assure that our security has not been compromised.

    Thank you for the service, and better luck with future uptime! 🙂

    1. Hello James,
      you are right, there were some outages in the past weeks. A big outage was from yesterday to today, almost one day. We had some server hardware problems which are solved now. No data loss and no need to restore our backups.
      The other outages are much harder to detect. There is a annoying bug in Prosody at the moment which causes database connections to fail at some point. Then a restart is needed. We need the information then (because most of the time it only affects users who want to login, not already logged in users) to restart the server. Another bug which is unknown at the moment is that connections to are failing from time to time. A restart solves it – or causes it. You choose… But these problems are Prosody related and we work on it.